ocr: DOS in a BOX mode Ox142: graphic Ifct], 8x16, 24 modes. Resolution: K-> 540x480 (+) Colors: K/X24 bpp (*) go to text <.X Alternate (Tab) Setup <X <PageUp> <Home> F1: declare boot failed F2: set min nb char initrd F3: set auto-booting timeout F4: change keyboard typel F5: change command Line F6: uninstall Gujin MBR (PageDown) (end) Aelcome to the world of free (as in speech) software. Please read once the License of software you are using. Gujin is available under GPL v2, read file GPL.TXT or visit http://eww.fsf.org/Licenses (translations). (C) 2003 Etienne LORRAI IN V 0.8